We believe in navigating towards a greener future. Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in every of what we do. From port services to community engagement. Join us as we explore innovative solutions to reduce our environmental footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.
We sponsor a local kindergarten, ensuring a daily warm meal on the
plates of all 96 kids at Pequenos Pasos. We are dedicated to fostering a love of sports, we provide youth sports teams from underserved communities across the province.
We are committed to fostering environmental awareness among the next generation. We sponsor the printing and distribution of books focused on environmental education for all elementary schools in Tierra Del Fuego. By providing these educational resources, we aim to inspire young minds to appreciate and protect our natural world, ensuring a sustainable future for our community.
We are committed to reducing, reusing, and recycling waste across all areas of our operations. To manage paper waste, we collect reusable paper for internal use. Cardboard is carefully sorted, with reusable boxes utilized for deliveries and shipments. We partner with the local cooperative K’AUX to recycle surplus cardboard, ensuring minimal waste. Our efforts to minimize single-use plastics include collecting and recycling plastic bottles, bags, and film stretch. Glass and polystyrene, though generated in small quantities, are collected and sent to local recycling points for proper disposal. Organic waste from our kitchen and offices is composted, transforming it into valuable compost.
As part of our waste management efforts, we support Fundación Garrahan’s "Recycling and Environment" program. Non-reusable paper and plastic bottle caps are donated to this non-profit organization, contributing to their mission of funding vital healthcare programs for children and supporting the Garrahan Hospital, one of Argentina's most important pediatric hospitals.
A sustainable company starts with a healthy, engaged workforce. We prioritize our employees’ well-being and development, recognizing their vital role in our long-term success. Our employee wellness initiatives are designed to create a supportive and positive work environment.
Sustainability means supporting our community. We partner with "Pequeños Pasos" Kindergarten to provide daily meals for 96 children and support youth sports teams in underprivileged areas with essential sports gear. Through these efforts, we strive to build a stronger, more sustainable future for our community.